Several Sustainable Agricultural Efforts in West Papua

Governments in West Papua often issue policies and programs to encourage sustainable agriculture, including providing financial assistance to farmers,

Developing environmentally friendly agricultural technologies, and increasing access to farmers.

Eight Sustainable Agriculture Efforts in West Papua

Sustainable agriculture is important because agriculture is the main source of food for most people in Indonesia and West Papua.

If not managed properly, agriculture can actually reduce land productivity and cause environmental damage.

Integrated steps are needed to maintain environmental conservation and increase the carrying capacity of agricultural land. Here are some of these efforts:

1. Cooperation of Various Parties

Realizing sustainable agriculture in West Papua requires close cooperation between farmers,

The government and the community. Farmers must be aware of the importance of sustainable agriculture, and the government must support it.

The government must support sustainable agriculture by allocating funds to research and develop environmentally friendly agricultural technologies.

Training and mentoring programs for farmers will help them understand the right way to apply sustainable farming technologies.

In addition, the community must also support it by buying agricultural products that are produced in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Not only applying environmentally friendly agricultural technology, farmers must also pay attention to the management of natural resources and the environment.

It can be done by utilizing soil, water and air conservation techniques and reducing the use of pesticides and herbicides that damage the environment.

2. Maintaining a Balance between Human Needs and the Environment

Realizing sustainable agriculture in West Papua is not only about productivity and product quality but also about maintaining a balance between human needs and the balance of the  environmental conservation.

Sustainable agriculture also pays attention to food production’s social, economic and environmental aspects. In the long term, sustainable agriculture in West Papua can benefit society and the environment.

Sustainable agriculture can improve food quality, increase the welfare of farmers,

Reduce negative impacts on the environment, and increase Indonesia’s competitiveness in the global market. Therefore, realizing sustainable agriculture is a must that must be prioritized.

3. Implement Organic Farming

Organic farming is an agricultural method that uses only natural pest control and biological fertilizers to grow crops without using chemicals or pesticides.

This method can nourish agricultural ecosystems and optimize energy cycles.

Research shows that fertilizing increases organic carbon in the soil, which causes the release of large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Organic farming practices will help farmers reduce nitric oxide and methane emissions from the soil.

That’s why these methods have a positive impact on the soil, water, atmosphere, surrounding wildlife and farmers in the long term.

4. Management of Tillage

Tillage is the process of mechanical agitation of soil to prepare it for crop production. To reduce GHG (green house gas) emissions, farmers can optimize tillage operations.

These methods include overturning, digging and stirring the soil. Reducing tillage will lead to reduced consumption of fossil fuels. Therefore, this method can reduce GHG emissions in the long term.

5. Development of Agrotourism

Agrotourism has multiple effects on local and national development. The economic business will become an orbiting satellite when a tourist destination is establish.

Proper management is urgently need in combining the concepts of tourism and agriculture so that the percentage of agricultural areas stays the same due to being eroded by tourist spots.

Precisely what should be shown is the originality of agriculture, which will become an experience and knowledge for tourists.

Agrotourism can be carry out more broadly by expanding post-harvest production, package in community economic activities such as small and medium enterprises.

Thus, the mandate of sustainable agriculture, namely ending hunger, achieving food security and better nutrition, must be respond to as an active effort involving the whole community.

6. Realizing Community-Based Tourism

Community involvement in agro-tourism or the tourism concept is call Community-Based Tourism, which is a logical consequence that the community is the owner of agriculture physically and mentally.

Agrotourism with the CBT (Community-Based Tourism) concept has broad benefit dimensions besides supporting regional and national income.

Even from an ecological perspective, agricultural land can be more sustainable through conservation in agro-tourism.

Realizing sustainable agriculture has a management view adjusted to global orders where digital technology and innovation are the spirits of business development in all sectors.

Agriculture is a sector that is flexible in absorbing the dynamics of changing times, including agro-tourism,

While remaining firm on the goal of sustainable development, namely ending hunger through food security and nutrition.

7. Changing the Planting System

West Papua Province has great potential to develop as a major producer of agricultural commodities, particularly in Eastern Indonesia.

The government is committ to increasing sustainable agriculture productivity in West Papua district.

To increase production capacity, change the cropping system from once a year to twice or three times a year so that Papua Island can provide food needs in the Land of Papua.

The Head of State stated that the Eastern Indonesia region has very large agricultural land. However, the agricultural land has yet to be utilize optimally.

The President also ask the ministry of agriculture and the local, provincial government to maximize the potential of agricultural land and increase its production capacity.

The President also invite millennial farmers to continue to be traine so they could support agricultural sector activities in the province.

8. Realizing Renewable Alternative Energy Resources

According to FAO (Food Association Organization), energy from the agricultural food chain contributes 35 percent of total GHG emissions.

Thus, renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and water energy need to contribute to powering agriculture.

Solar panels are useful for running the pumping and heating systems in this method. Farmers can also use hydroelectric power from nearby rivers for various agricultural machines.

Farmers are advise to compare energy levels using energy comparison websites widely available on websites or online media.


Agriculture is a key sector for the Indonesian economy. However, sustainable agriculture challenges in West Papua face low productivity and product quality, as well as negative impacts on the environment and sustainability.

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