Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of responsibility of a company in the form of programs containing social responsibility and what is no less important is environmental responsibility. So, CSR will be closely related to the community around the business location or anywhere that is affected by the activities of a company itself. CSR should also have an impact that is considered positive so as to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the company and the target community. Papua, as a region that is known for having various kinds of companies, especially those related to mining, oil and natural gas, is certainly required to have a CSR program for the affected Papuan people. Moreover, the regulations regarding a company’s obligation to carry out a CSR program are recorded in Government Regulation No. 47 of 2012 article 2 which states that “Every company as a legal subject has social and environmental responsibilities”. As an effort to promote CSR programs, the government also gives prizes in the form of awards, namely Padmamitra, to companies that consistently provide a positive impact on society with their CSR programs.

Papuan people, especially in areas close to mining, oil and gas, certainly have various motives and needs that they want to fulfill. It is not uncommon for them to voice their opinions to charge companies in their area to provide a positive impact that can be felt. The aspects needed include economics, education, health, environment and culture. The economic aspect is of course related to employment opportunities that are able to absorb the surrounding community with the various skills needed. When linked to other aspects, the economic aspect is related to the educational aspect which must be fulfilled. The requirements for employment are expertise in a field, in this case mining, oil and gas, so companies should provide access to appropriate education so that local people are able to have expertise in that field. Then, the health aspect becomes an important aspect, namely the need for adequate health facilities for use by the Papuan people and also migrants who work in companies which are geographically far from the hustle and bustle and complete facilities in urban areas. Companies operating in the mining, oil and gas sectors are generally far from equipped with complete facilities. So the health aspect also requires more attention and consideration as a CSR program is carried out.

When talking about Papua, it cannot be separated from environmental and cultural aspects. The traditional beliefs and traditions of the Papuan people are still preserved and it is hoped that they will not become extinct for generations to come. Therefore, CSR programs from various companies in Papua should pay more attention to creating synergy and togetherness with the local community. The sustainability of the company and the preservation of the cultural environment also coexist with each other. So that the company’s activities and the activities of the local community are not mutually disturbed.

Studies on how to create corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs that are friendly to the Papuan people have been carried out by several experts. There are many opportunities in various aspects that can be studied and then given the impact of companies in Papua on the local community. Both in the economic aspect, especially in the educational, health, environmental and cultural aspects. It is true that adjustments are needed because the background, especially the environment and culture, is different, so there is a need for dialogue with the local community or local figures so that CSR programs are designed according to needs and are right on target and have a positive impact on both parties.

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