YOUNG GENERATION OF PAPUA “Realization of Collaborative Empowerment between the Government and Papuan People”

DEVELOPMENT – The enthusiasm for development and empowerment in Papua is very high. The best young people in Papua are provided with adequate facilities to study and continue to develop. One of them is the policy of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, who decides on collaboration between the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the Papuan people through Presidential Instruction Number 09 2020. Concerning the Acceleration of Welfare in Papua and West Papua. The forum is named Inspirational Young Papuans. This program will help implement Presidential Instructions by inviting the young Papuans to empower all the resources they have, both natural resources and human resources, to provide economic benefits. So with this focus, several business sectors have been opened to absorb employment opportunities, such as in the field of corn plantations and entrepreneurship.

The Inspirational Young Papuan Program strives hard to empower those they have so they can support the people in Papua. Since this program has been running, the unemployment rate in Papua has decreased drastically. Many workers are being absorbed in various fields in the hope of achieving the desired level of independence. Starting from empowerment by teaching how to start a business, marketing products, and also building relationships with various parties in other regions and even other countries.

Main ideas are one of the focuses of the Inspirational Young Papuan program. In 2023, the corn plantation initiated by Inspirational Young Papua covering an area of 7.5 hectares succeeded in reaping a harvest of 161 tonnes. The activities carried out by the Inspirational Young Papua program administrators on a corn plantation are sustainable. What is empowered starts from how to cultivate the land so that it can produce maximum harvest, then how to plant corn by selecting superior seeds, how to harvest and when the harvest can start, to assisting with the sales process. The previous complaint from corn plantation managers in Papua was that they did not have access and relationships to market their crops. The existence of Inspirational Young Papua is an answer, this program can ensure maximum harvest yields and also distribute these results to buyers so that corn plantation managers also benefit.

The Inspirational Young Papuan Program does not only operate in the field of corn plantations. In the future, this program will help the people of Papua channel their talents in other fields. What needs to be underlined is that the Papuan people are empowered to be able to become entrepreneurs and create independence to make a living. Technology is also one of the things taught in the Inspirational Young Papua program so that marketing of products produced by this program can be reached by many parties due to the convenience of technology.

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