Supporting Government Efforts to Accelerate Papua’s Development

PAPUA – Supporting the government’s efforts to accelerate the development of Papua is an important step to ensure that the Papua region can develop in line with other regions in Indonesia. Papua is one of the regions in Indonesia that is rich in potential natural resources and cultural diversity, but the welfare of the Papuan people is still a serious challenge and to improve their welfare, it is necessary to accelerate development that focuses on the needs of the Papuan people directly.

The government continues to make various efforts in realizing accelerated development in Papua, one of which is by building infrastructure and the local economy. Adequate infrastructure development is key to accelerating economic growth and accessibility in Papua. Investment in:

  1. Road construction,
  2. Port,
  3. Airports,
  4. Energy sources will open access to isolated areas and improve connectivity between cities and villages in Papua.

Strengthening the local economy through the development of sectors such as agriculture, fisheries and tourism will create local jobs and reduce dependence on the extractive sector. This approach can also help maintain environmental sustainability and cultural diversity in Papua.

The government launched the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan 2022-2041 and the Papua Accelerated Development Information System, which are strategic steps in supporting accelerated development in Papua. The Papua Accelerated Development Information System is a digital platform designed to coordinate, monitor and manage various development projects in Papua more efficiently and transparently.

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin said that as an integrated platform for the acceleration of Papua’s development, the Master Plan for the Acceleration of Papua Development 2022-2041 and the Papua Acceleration Development Information System are a compass for long-term development in the Papua region and this is an important momentum that can be part of the history of Papua’s development journey and also a determinant for Papua’s progress in the future. Papua’s development has become a top priority, in line with the government’s commitment to realize Indonesia-centric development in order to reduce inequality between regions.

The platform developed by the Ministry of National Development Planning or the National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia together:

  1. Vice Presidential Secretariat,
  2. Ministry of Finance,
  3. Ministry of Home Affairs,
  4. Regional Government

In order to maintain the harmony of development planning, this will be a means for the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Papua Special Autonomy Development, Ministries, Institutions, Regions, and development actors to monitor the acceleration of Papua’s development starting from the planning, budgeting, implementation, to monitoring, evaluation and control stages. The Papua Accelerated Development Information System emphasizes the principle of synergy between planning and budgeting, as well as synergy between funding sources.

Minister of National Development Planning or the National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Suharso Monoarfa stated that the stipulation of Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2023, the Master Plan for the Acceleration of Papua Development 2022-2041 carries the vision of “Realizing an Independent, Just and Prosperous Papua”, with three missions, namely Healthy Papua, Smart Papua, and Productive Papua. The Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan is a mandate from Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province which states that special autonomy is implemented based on a master plan, by prioritizing the principle of financial management, while the Papua Accelerated Development Information System is an integrated information system platform within the framework of the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan which will be connected to other information systems with the principle of data sharing or interoperability.

The launch of the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan 2022-2041 and the Papua Acceleration Development Information System are important stages in Papua’s development. With the launch of the document, the government introduced the direction of long-term development of the Papua region. So that it becomes an important moment in encouraging synchronization and harmonization of planning and budgeting, as well as collaboration between the central government, regions, and other development actors in accelerating the development of the Papua region.

Acting Governor of Papua, M. Ridwan Rumasukun said that he was very grateful for the central government’s attention to Papua which launched the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan 2022-2041 and the Papua Accelerated Development Information System. Ridwan also stated that the launch of the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan platform and the Papua Acceleration Development Information System is a strategic step by the government in an effort to develop Papua in the future and the Papua Provincial government fully supports it, and will take technical steps that can be in line with the Information System that has been built and used by the Papua Provincial government. It is hoped that with the use of this digital system it will be easier to measure the progress that has been made.

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