Regional Long-Term Development Plan, Yalimo Regency Government Holds Development Planning Conference

YALIMO, PAPUA PEGUNUNGAN – The Yalimo Regency Government held a Development Planning Conference for the Regional Long-Term Development Plan. The Musrenbang event took place at the Yalimo Regency Finance Office Hall and was attended by:

  1. Head of Evaluation Control Sub Division of Bappeda Papua Province Mountains,
  2. Assistant II Secretary representing the Regent of Yalimo,
  3. Regional Device Organization.

The Acting Governor of Papua Mountains in his speech read by the Head of the Sub Division of Evaluation Control of Bappeda Papua Mountains, Elva Thana said, the Regional Long-Term Development Plan is an important stake in the journey of regional development. Because this will formulate a vision in a long period of time and become a guide for all stakeholders in realizing regional progress.

“This is part of the development planning process mandated in Law Number 25 of 2024, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 88 of 2017, and Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Number 1 of 2024, it is said that in the process of preparing the Regional Long-Term Development Plan, active participation from all levels of society is very. This Development Planning Conference will harmonize and synchronize the vision, mission, policy direction and main objectives between the national long-term development plan, provincial long-term development plan and district long-term development plan towards one vision, namely golden Indonesia in 2045,” said the Acting Governor of Papua Mountains.

Meanwhile, Assistant II Setda Leonardus Pally when reading the Regent’s speech said that the Development Planning Deliberation is an effort to support the achievement of National development in realizing the welfare of the regional community, which is just and places humans as objects and subjects of development, this is based on the principle of human rights, that in realizing equitable welfare for the people of Yalimo, the local government must emphasize the enjoyment community in the actors of development.

“It is hoped that the support and role of all stakeholders, both the contribution of suggestions and thoughts that are constructive in improving the draft RPJPD document of Yalimo Regency 2025 – 2045,” said the Regent.

Meanwhile, the head of the Yalimo Regency Bappeda Atan Kepno in his report said that according to the mandate of the Law, the Regional Government is obliged to prepare a 20-year planning document and where the stages of document preparation have been carried out starting from the data collection stage, and orientation.

“The basis for the implementation of the Development Planning Deliberation of the Yalimo Regency Long-Term Development Plan 2025-2045 is RI Law number 25 of 2004 concerning the National development planning system, RI Law number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, RI Government regulation number 8 of 2008 concerning the stages of the procedure for preparing the evaluation control of the implementation of regional development plans,” said Kepno.

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