Papua Governor’s Office should be built on Jayawijaya Regent’s former residence

PAPUA PEGUNUNGAN – The founding fathers and leaders of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia have long seen Papua as a sleeping giant, therefore all the potential of its natural resources must be utilized as well as possible in a systematic, structured and massive manner for the benefit of the Nation and State, this began with the formation of Irian Jaya Province (Papua now) and 9 districts throughout Papua, namely:

  1. Sorong Regency,
  2. Biak Regency,
  3. Yapen Waropen Regency,
  4. Nabire Regency,
  5. Manokwari Regency,
  6. Jayapura Regency,
  7. Jayapura Municipality District,
  8. Jayawijaya Regency,
  9. Merauke Regency.

Which later in its development formed Paniai Regency, Timika Regency, Puncak Jaya Regency and Sorong Municipal Regency and formed West Papua Province, this is a form of state presence to encourage the development process in various sectors, namely:

  1. Infrastructure,
  2. Education,
  3. Health,
  4. Trade,
  5. Industry,
  6. Business Economy and so on.

Based on the development and progress of the Land of Papua in various aspects of life and the demands of the Papuan people to straighten out the history of the annexation of Papua into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia through the 1969 Pepera around the 1990s, the state issued Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province. Since the implementation of special autonomy until now, it has resulted in 6 provinces and 42 regencies and municipalities.

The presence of regencies or cities and provinces in the Land of Papua has a very broad impact and has caused various social upheavals which are often not well detected, this fact is a whip for Papuan intellectuals to think critically and wisely in providing alternative solutions that are acceptable to all parties, a complicated problem that must be addressed wisely by the current government leaders is the massive migration to the Land of Papua which is not detected throughout Papua.

Another complicated issue that has never been resolved in an orderly manner is the release of customary land used for the construction of public infrastructure facilities, such as District or Provincial Government offices, the most attention-grabbing case is the conflict between the government and customary rights owners in the construction of the Papua Provincial Government Office Mountains in Wouma Village, Jayawijaya Regency.

Actually, it is not difficult but something is wrong, things that go wrong such as very rarely there is a persuasive approach with customary landowners in certain areas, meaning that so far there has not been the right approach to smooth out the noble agendas carried, for example the most responsible party rarely meets the family or clan or even sub-tribe of customary landowners, on the contrary someone or a group of people claiming to be customary landowners to gain certain benefits and conditions like this often cause clashes between each other and other people and even form new problems that harm others.

The selection of the location for the construction of the Papua Provincial Government Office in the Mountains has attracted the attention of many parties, until now there has not been an appropriate and beneficial solution for all parties, instead what appears is that there are parties who feel themselves as the birthright owner of the customary land so that the origin of the order is just and does not create a cool dialogical situation, other parties prefer to remain silent while waiting for the right moment because they are not important and besides that there are also parties who are trying to find a family approach and build awareness that customary land is entrusted by ancestors for future children and grandchildren.

Seeing this condition, these various parties need to be mapped and take a persuasive approach and mediation well to get a solution, the aim is that the construction of the Papua Provincial Government Office in the Mountains can be realized immediately according to the Government’s target.

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