Inter-Provincial Development Cooperation Involving Southwest Papua and South Sulawesi

The development of a region involves many parties with their respective interests but still has the same goal in the process. The parties involved in development are often referred to as stakeholders. The parties in development include local governments, communities, experts, and the central government can also be directly involved in development, especially for new provinces such as Southwest Papua. There are other parties that can be involved in the development process after those mentioned previously, namely local governments from other provinces. Development in Southwest Papua involves the South Sulawesi Provincial Government which will assist in the development process in several fields. The symbiosis that occurs is a mutualistic symbiosis because the two provinces will help each other with whatever is needed for development in their respective regions.

The plan of the Southwest Papua Provincial Government to establish cooperation related to development with the South Sulawesi Provincial Government has been discussed for a long time. Moreover, history records that the people in the two provinces have indeed established cooperation before, especially cooperation related to the economy, namely the sale and purchase of local products produced by the community. Starting from agricultural products, basic necessities, to handicrafts which are superior, especially for the people of West Papua.

The development cooperation implemented by the Regional Government of Southwest Papua Province with the Regional Government of South Sulawesi Province consists of several aspects. The cooperation is carried out to encourage digital transformation in the aspect of government, fulfillment of community food needs, and also development and empowerment of human resources in the two provinces. The potential possessed by Southwest Papua which relies on several aspects such as tourism and mining can be a design for development cooperation. In addition, South Sulawesi has adequate health and education aspects to be used as a design for development cooperation in addition to the food aspect it has.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Home Affairs is one of the connecting bridges that also initiated formal cooperation that is legal with a ratification document to ensure the implementation of development cooperation between the Province of Southwest Papua Province and the Province of South Sulawesi. Collaboration and synergy are two keywords needed in development cooperation. The involvement of both parties in a balanced manner can realize the success of development that can improve community welfare. Community development, development in the field of government, and also improving community social relations are the goals of the Ministry of Home Affairs to formalize development cooperation in the two provinces.

The hope of the development cooperation agreed upon by the Regional Government of Southwest Papua Province and the Regional Government of South Sulawesi Province is increased development that leads to community welfare on both sides. In addition, it is hoped that the collaboration will last a long time by ensuring that both parties feel the benefits.

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