Development of Early Childhood Education Programs by Sorong City Church

Education is a basic right for all Indonesian citizens at any level. This right is guaranteed by the  Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia so that all people should enjoy the right to receive education from the earliest level, namely Early Childhood Education to the highest level in college or university. The party that can implement education is not only the government or the state but also various parties such as the private sector and even community organizations or religious organizations are allowed to provide education to the community, both in the form of formal and non-formal education.

One of the religious organizations in Sorong City, South West Papua Province, namely the Imanuel Church, realizes the importance of the community to get the right to education. Therefore, the ranks of the church administrators agreed to build the Imanuel Early Childhood Education in order to provide the right to education for the community at the first level. The needs to build Early Childhood Education include purchasing building materials and also paying the builders who work on it. Therefore, the funds needed are not small. The budget that is prepared according to the planning reaches billions of rupiah. The Sorong City Government is aware of the large need for funds and has decided to provide grant assistance to the Imanuel Church so that it can accelerate the construction of the Imanuel Early Childhood Education so that it can be completed and operated as soon as possible.

The needs of the people in Sorong City for various school options certainly make the management of the Imanuel Church even more enthusiastic to immediately complete the construction of the Imanuel Early Childhood Education. The plan is to build various supporting facilities, especially play facilities for early childhood who will attend the Early Childhood Education. Educators are also one of the concerns of the management of the Imanuel Church, namely by opening opportunities for teachers to devote themselves to teaching at the Imanuel Early Childhood Education. However, of course all of this requires a mature plan that must be coordinated with various parties such as the Sorong City Government and the Sorong City Education Office which oversees all learning and teaching activities in the area.

The hope of the people of Sorong City for the construction of the Imanuel Early Childhood Education is that early childhood children will receive adequate formal education so that they can understand various kinds of knowledge, both cognitive and conative, according to their age. The main target of students who will register at Imanuel Early Childhood Education are of course children from the congregation of the Imanuel Church. However, Imanuel Early Childhood Education will be a public school so that anyone can register and get the same right to education. The acceleration of development in education is certainly fully supported by the government in this case the Sorong City Government. The initiative of the Imanuel Church management to build an educational institution has received appreciation as one of the strategic steps to increase literacy and ensure that there is a level of education that can be accessed by the entire community.

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